Google Ups Research & Development to Make Solar Cheaper than Coal

renewable energy, green energy, solar power, solar energy, solar thermal power, solar thermal energy, solar concentration tower, solar thermal tower, google patent, google solar patent, google solar camera patent, google renewable energyIt’s no mystery that Google is an internet powerhouse, but within the last couple of years, they have expanded their efforts to make big changes in the way we power our homes and cities. Their goal? To create a viable renewable energy option that is cheaper than coal, and their new patented solution just might do the trick. The concentrated solar technology makes use of a camera to adjust mirrors that optimize a given plant’s efficiency. The camera and a processing computer are located within the central tower of the solar thermal plant, and if a misalignment, or better (more efficient) angle is detected, then the mirrors are adjusted by robotic actuators.

renewable energy, green energy, solar power, solar energy, solar thermal power, solar thermal energy, solar concentration tower, solar thermal tower, google patent, google solar patent, google solar camera patent, google renewable energy Rather than focusing their efforts on lowering the cost of current solar technology, they have chosen to invest in the search for new solutions that could win the race against coal. In addition to hiring three new technology specialists for their R&D department, they’ve looked into grid power management strategies as well. Their PowerMeter Software coupled with their investment in various energy firms are further proof that Google is looking beyond ad-space to support their ever-growing company. In light of their $168 million dollar investment in the world’s largest solar tower in the Mojave Desert, it’s clear that Google’s sunny disposition towards renewables is here to stay.
Via Engadget
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