Below are 44 Iron Picks links. If you face item collection limit please try again later. Every award items is have limiter and quantity, time to warm up your finger and mouse now,come on!!
Note: We will keep updating everyday, so keep attention!
Note: When you face:
Sorry, all rewards have been claimed
Whoa, friend! You've reached the collection limit for now. Try again later.
Still Clicking all these links then check your inventory, someone leave a comment that: after clicking links there is no items added to the inventory. But after next 10 minutes when you refresh CastleVille some items added to the inventory. Good Luck.
By Xhapire Lord on Facebook Games Guide
Note: We will keep updating everyday, so keep attention!
Note: When you face:
Sorry, all rewards have been claimed
Whoa, friend! You've reached the collection limit for now. Try again later.
Still Clicking all these links then check your inventory, someone leave a comment that: after clicking links there is no items added to the inventory. But after next 10 minutes when you refresh CastleVille some items added to the inventory. Good Luck.
By Xhapire Lord on Facebook Games Guide