Dear friends, you must understand when you face result for free items “Hear Ye! All the rewards have been claimed” or Whoa, friend! You’ve reached the collection limit for now. Try again later this is because the items collection limit. Every award items is have limiter and quantity.

You can found this information in gameSettings.xml and below this is limiter for gold brick :

+3 days
“ClaimLimit” val=”10″
“rewardItem” val=”Gold Brick”
“rewardCount” val=”50″

Now you must understand why you can face “All the rewards have been claimed“, and sometime I cannot share over than 250 free items links for 1 day because I’m not a Superman and I don’t have super power. I only have 2 hands for to do this, but I don’t want to have over than 2 hands because it’s make me horror ROFL..

Did you know how much time I must spend for make 10 links for free items ? from the process decoded Z code untill converting url links then posting these links to my blog ? It’s need around 20 minutes.

Let’s math :

10 links = 20 minutes or 1 link for 2 minute
100 links = 200 minutes
200 minutes / 60 = 3 hours and 20 minutes.

So for 100 links is 3 hours and 20 minutes

I hope you can understand me this is only information, why you can face All the rewards have been claimed when collecting free item links and why I cannot share over than 250-300 links for 1 day. And when you face All the rewards have been claimed please don’t send me negative comments.

I’ll do the best for my blog readers, and FYI check my blog for next 1-2 hours I’ll give to all my blog readers special suprise for New Year 2012 gift.
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