Photo Mural amazing in |PANAMA CITY |
Recently a dear friend in the States sent me a money remittance through a company called MoneyGram. I had never seen this company in Panama. All I knew is that people preferred to use Western Union to make money transfers for whatever reason. After a brief investigation, I learned that MoneyGram is represented in Panama by different entities, (e.g., Más Me Dan, Azteca Bank, CrediCorp Bank, and Elektra.)
Since there’s a CrediCorp Bank near my home at El Dorado, I drove to the site to receive the money. Besides
having more money in my pocket, I found an amazing photograph of Panama City embedded on a wall of a local hotel. The photograph was ingeniously ingrained on mosaics which were neatly placed on a very wide wall, approximately 150 feet long. I had never seen a photograph this size. Having my P&S camera with me, I couldn’t resist the temptation of capturing the gargantuan image of Panama City.Below are several shots taken of the huge photograph on the wall. Enjoy.